Friday, August 14, 2020

The Most Useful Accounts during the lockdown

The Coronavirus put us in a very difficult situation. It make our life like hell because during the lockdown we are like prisoners. During this difficult time we cannot do a normal things such as buying goods, paying bills, depositing money, travelling, and etc.

These 3 digital platform and debit cards are the most useful for me during the lockdown.

 1.) BPI Atm Saving Account - I used it during the lockdown depositing money thru their Deposit Machine and I also used it to transfer money for digital bill payment. My bpi atm account is really very useful during this difficult situation.

 2.) UNION BANK Atm Account - Just like my Bpi Account my union bank account is also very useful during this difficult time because I also used it depositing money and transfering cash for bill payment.

 3.) GCASH - This platform is the most useful for me during the lockdown for bill payment even the bill payment was extended.

The Most Useful Accounts during the lockdown

The Coronavirus put us in a very difficult situation. It make our life like hell because during the lockdown we are like prisoners. Durin...